Thursday, June 9, 2011


Today, is Trent's last day of 1st grade.  Seriously!  I can't wrap my head around the fact that he is going into 2nd grade in September.  2nd grade might as well be high school because I feel like he is all grown up. Ugh!
Trent had a great year in 1st grade.  He had an amazing teacher who really made the transition to a new school much easier for Trent.  She recognized his sensitive side and understood that sometimes with Trent there are tears when his feelings get hurt or is frustrated.  He's an emotional kid and takes everything so seriously.  He wears his heart on his sleeve and sometimes in 1st grade you need a bit tougher skin.  I think his tougher skin is growing, but there is still quite a sensitive side to Trent, which I love.
Trent on the first day of school.
 Last October, Trent received the Citizen of the Month Award for Patience.
 Trent's school picture.
 Visiting Trent's classroom in April for Open House.
 In May, Trent singing in the Spring Concert.
 Trent at his end of the year class party at the park.
 Mrs. G and Mrs. Chung
 Trent and his cute smile.
I am so thankful that Trent had a great year in 1st grade.  Now, we can relax and enjoy the Summer.  I have three months to mentally prepare myself for 2nd grade.  I don't think that's enough time, but it will have to be because time isn't stopping any time soon.

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