Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trent's Big Boy Bedroom

Part of our gift to Trent for Christmas was to redo his room...Star Wars themed of course.  It was hard to decide which Star Wars theme to go with.  We could do the classic Star Wars or the new Clone Wars Star Wars.  After researching it a bit and then finding on Amazon these awesome wall clings, we decided to go with the Clone Wars.  Pottery Barn has a cool classic Star Wars theme, but not too many accessories, basically it's just the bedding and a wall hanging that has horrible reviews.  So, I finally got my act together, hired a painter, picked out the colors and told myself that this was all going to look amazing when it was finished.  I would have to live we the house in disarray for a week, I could do it, I could do it, I could do it.  It was hard, but it was well worth it.
Trent's room now has two walls that are gray and two walls a deep blue. I love the colors. I added a splash of black with the curtains and then Tim and I put up the wall clings.  We are so happy with how it turned out.  We also got Trent a new bed, which has a trundle bed, but we are using it as storage for now.  Yay for more storage!  Trent is so excited about his new room.
We went from surf boards and a beach themed room to Star Wars.
Yoda protecting Trent.
Anakin and Yoda.
Captain Rex standing guard.
Trent posing like Captain Rex.
Trent, Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Trent using the force.
We also painted our room.  When we moved into the house almost 8 years ago we always said we would repaint our room, well it has taken us 8 years to finally repaint it...better late than never.  We also bought new bedroom furniture.  Our old furniture was mostly from Tim's room at his parents house...about 13 or so years ago. That furniture has been across the country and back and it was time to retire it. So, now we finally have a matching set of furniture that looks amazing in our newly repainted room.  Wow, I feel like an adult with matching furniture.
The view walking into our room.  The light isn't the best, but the color is a nice creamy pale green, Urban Nature, which is in the Pottery Barn catalog. 
Another view, the light is a bit better.
I love our new dresser with a mirror!
Slowly but surely we are updated our house.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!!! What is it with little boys and Star Wars. A friend of mine has 4 boys and they are obsessed!
