Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun at the Carnival

In past years, the carnival rides at Camellia Festival have been a little rickety and out dated. I think they were the same rides I went on as a kid...and that was forever ago. My Mom and Dad had scoped out the rides early in the week and they said they looked a bit newer and fun.  
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the rain had held off, so we headed over to carnival just a block from my parents house.  My Mom, Ashley and Jake were up for the carnival adventure too. Trent and Jake didn't waste anytime at all and they don't have a fear of heights, so they jumped on the the Pirates Revenge ride with huge (and a bit serious) smiles.
A little higher...
The boys loving this ride.
We then headed over to the bumper cars.  Since it was so cold outside and there was a threat of rain the carnival wasn't that crowded.  I think they rode around the bumper cars for a good 10 minutes.
Tim and Trent ready to bump some cars.
Ashley and Jake ready to do some damage too.
Go get them!

Next was the giant slide.  I love Jake's expression as he is zooming down the slide and not holding onto the potato sack.
Trent holding on tight.

Jake flying down the slide.
Then the boys did most of the carousel type rides.  There was the boat that went around in a circle, the Bumble Bee, the motorcycles and the cars.
And, of course, there is some shooting involved.
We saved the best ride for last...the roller coaster.  Trent was a bit hesitant at first, but he was all smiles during the entire ride.  Jake and Trent were the only ones on the roller coaster and they went around about 5 times.  Each time they had a bigger smile on their face.
Trent's hands were up the entire time.
My favorite picture of the day.  So happy!
This is what life is all about!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! That looks like fun. I want to go on that giant slide!
