Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Fun 3-day Weekend

We had wanted to head up to Arrowhead for the holiday weekend, but with snow in the forecast we thought we better stay away.  We didn't need the hassle of putting chains on, shoveling snow, and bundling up, so we headed out to Oxnard instead.  There was rain in the forecast for Oxnard, but we got there on Saturday just before the rain.  It rained in the evening, but it didn't really matter we were all set to stay in for the evening.  Tim's long time friend from college Satish came out to stay for the night.  It was great having him there.  He is so good with Trent and was such a great sport about doing Trent's science experiments with him.  After dinner the kids played their own things and the adults played Catch Phrase.  We had so much fun!  It was the men against the women and I think the women beat the men.  We played for at least 2 hours and again had so much fun.  I think it would be impossible not to have fun playing that game.  It was a good day.
On Sunday, we went to the beach and park for a bit.  The weather was beautiful, chilly, but gorgeous blue skies.  In the afternoon, we went on a duffy boat and took a tour around the harbor.  It was so much fun.
Heading up over the sand dunes to the beach.  
Madison and Trent leading the way.
 My Man.
 Madison and Trent.
 Tim and Satish with the dogs.
 Having fun at the playground.
 Aunt Debbie and Trent on the duffy boat.
 Tim and Trent driving us around the harbor.
 Trent makes the best faces. 

 Grandma and Trent.
 Me and my boys.
 Deep in thought...
 Again, simply just gorgeous!
On Monday, we slept in and then went to see Gnomeo and Juliet, which was a really cute movie.  We headed home in the afternoon and prepared for the week ahead, which turned out to be the longest week ever (more on that later).  I am glad we decided on Oxnard for the weekend, it was fun and relaxing.

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