Monday, November 1, 2010

Piano Recital

Trent has a bit of a musical side to him, which he definitely didn't get from my side of the family.  He is always singing, picking up a guitar to strum it, banging on the piano keys or beating on his drum set.  So, when he started 1st grade he also started piano lessons; once a week for 45 minutes for 8 weeks.  He has been enjoying the class and on Friday we got to see him perform at his recital. Tim and I asked him last week what he was playing at the recital and he said with a straight face the Darth Maul song.  As we all know, Trent is a huge Star Wars fan and more often than not can be heard humming or singing a song from Star Wars.  Tim and I really didn't take him seriously about playing the Darth Maul song until we got the list of what the kids were playing..."Darth Maul" – Trent Reimers.  I said to Trent your piano teacher sent out an email about what the students were playing at the recital and you are playing Darth Maul.  Trent looked at me like Duh Mom, that's what I have been telling you.  I love that kid.

Here is Trent's big moment...Duel Of The Fates ("Darth Maul") behind the battle among Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode 1.

Trent did an amazing job playing Darth Maul.  He was the last one in the line up and did great.  He had a bit of stage fright in the beginning and I thought for sure he was going to get up from the piano and not perform, but he got through it and I was so proud of him.  He was singing the song out loud while he was playing the piano.  He tries to match how he hears the song with the right piano keys.  So proud of my boy!

The play bill...

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