Friday, November 5, 2010


Fall is a great time of year, the weather starts to get cooler (at some point) and the leaves start to change colors (again at some point).  With Fall comes the start of the holiday season (I can't believe Christmas is almost here).  Trent loves Halloween and could not wait to dress up as Captain Rex from Star Wars the Clone Wars.  We had a busy and fun Halloween weekend.  We started off on Saturday at our Church carnival, which was a lot of fun.  Tim and Trent rode the tag along bike up to the park, which turned out to be a bit harder than Tim had thought.  I guess he should have eaten a good breakfast before he set out to climb Lake Avenue.  We had childrens’ church service, lunch and then the highly anticipated games.  Trent loved playing all the games and of course getting prizes. 
Saturday evening we went to the Jones’ 2nd Annual Halloween Party.  That was a lot of fun too.  The boys were all different super heroes and had a great time fighting evil.  The kids played games, ate pizza and ran around like only boys can.
Sunday evening we had some of our family and friends over for trick or treating.  Trent’s cousin Jake was so excited to go trick or treating. He was really into Halloween this year and was trying his best to keep up with Trent and Madison.  
All in all we had a great weekend.

My boys.
 Water cup runneth over.

Sling shot for the David and Goliath game.
Trent as Captain Rex
Super Heroes
Jake, Madison and Trent ready to go get some candy.
Trent had a unique way of holding his candy bag.
Tim as a pro-cyclist and I am the podium girl giving him his yellow leaders jersey.

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