Monday, June 22, 2015

Saying Goodbye to 5th Grade

I say this every year and I probably won't stop saying it...where has the time gone and can it slow down?!  How is it that my baby is almost 11 years old and just finished 5th grade?! I am in total denial that he will be starting 6th grade in a few short months (I guess I have the summer to come to grips with 6th grade. :))
Trent's last week of school was full of fun activities. They had field day at Lacy Park where they play games all day, the Awards Ceremony and his class party.
For the second year in a row Trent received the Academic Excellence Award which is awarded to those who receive for all 4 quarters the Bible Memory Award, Citizenship Award and Responsibility Award. So proud of Trent!
 Trent happy to show off his medal!
 Grandpa was proud of Trent too!
 The 5th grade class had a whole day of fun. They watched a movie, had pizza for lunch and played on the water slide for hours.
 Trent and Youngyen.
 Trent and Kenny going down the slide.
  Trent and all the boys were so excited that they got to bring water guns to play with.
Trent and his teacher Mrs. Bialon. Trent had a great year with her and she was a great teacher for him. She had such patience with his messy writing and always encouraged him to think bigger and expand his thoughts. At the beginning of the year he was struggling with writing summaries and with Mrs. Bialon's help and encouragement he was writing so well by the end of the year.
Trent, we are looking forward to what 6th grade brings and we can't wait to see all that you accomplish! We love you Trent and are so proud of the boy you are and are becoming.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Camping with Daddy

Tim had this wild idea that he was going to take the kids camping all by himself...I wasn't invited and I didn't dare invite myself because I was looking forward to a little time by myself. And sleeping on the ground in a tent in very close quarters doesn't really sound too appealing to me.  So, I told Tim sounds like a great idea and I'm sure you will have a great time. 
Tim made this decision before looking at the weather for the weekend. It had been on the cooler side during the week, so he wasn't too worried about it being hot, well it turned out that it was going to be quite hot. The heat wasn't going to deter him though, he packed up and they headed up the Henninger Flats. 
 All smiles before they hike to camp.
The buggy was Terra's mode of transportation up to camp. Tim was so beat by the time he got to camp. He said he even considered turning around, but Trent encouraged him and tried to help him make it up the mountain.
 These too got settled into camp quite quickly. They enjoyed the hammock and exploring.
  Tim's view while resting in the hammock.
 Terra helping Tim with dinner. 
 Cute selfie!
 Beautiful views.
They were up early to head down the mountain. They had a bit of a rough start to going to sleep. Terra wasn't quite ready since she had a bit too much candy and nutella. Tim called me at 9:45 p.m. with Terra crying in the background. She had been crying for an hour and was refusing to go to sleep. I told him to rock her and sing to her and hopefully that would help calm her down. He did that and it did do the trick she fell asleep and slept hard until 5am!!
She slept the whole way down the mountain.
Happy, but exhausted!
Trent and Terra are so lucky to have Tim as their Dad. He is a great Dad and is always looking for fun adventures to take them on...even if it's hot!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

I drove the kids out to Oxnard and Tim cycled out there...he is much more motivated than I am. :) It was unseasonably cool for Memorial Day weekend and we were expecting mid 60's in Oxnard. Well, we were surprised when we got there because the sky was a pretty blue and it was in the mid-70's. First on the agenda was kayaking.
 Trent and Jake kayaked with John. It was Jake's first time kayaking and he had a great time.
 Tim took Terra on her first kayak ride...and she loved it.
 Off they go!
 After kayaking it was pool time.
 Terra enjoying swimming around as long as she doesn't have to get her face wet.
 Jake and Trent having fun.
 The next day we went to Pirate Park, which is such a great park.
 Zinnia and Terra love playing together and love going down the slide.
 I love that they both swing on the bars before they slide down.
 After the playground we made our way down to the beach.
 Terra headed straight for the water.
 Piggies in the cold water.
 Aunt Debbie and Terra
 These two always have a good time wherever they are.
More fun in the pool.
And they did a little fishing...caught a few fish before they were invaded by other fishers.  :)
A good time was had by all in Oxnard.