Tuesday, April 21, 2015

We love Selfies!

Not only does Trent love a good selfie, Terra takes selfies without even knowing it. Every few days I take a look at the camera roll on her myPad (iPad) and see the gems that she has accidentally taken...there are always a few good ones.
 Her hand almost covering the camera, but she got just a peek of her beautiful blue eyes.
Not sure what is going on here in the car, but I'm sure it's nutty.
While Tim and Trent were up in Sacramento Terra and I had a yummy dinner at The Boat.

Tim and Trent visit Sacramento

Last week Tim and Trent went up to Sacramento with the 5th grade class and a few 4th graders for two days and one night. They had a lot to see in just two days. Trent was so excited and was up at 5am the morning they were leaving and they didn't need to leave until 6:15am (then ended up leaving at 6:02am). Tim was stressed because he had a big deal closing, but he was going to do the best he could and enjoy as much of the trip as he could. I was so excited for them and couldn't wait to hear about the trip. 
Waiting to board the plane.
Their first stop when they got off the plane in Sacramento was the Capital and they took a tour. There was a memorial going on outside for those who have died while doing work for Cal Trans.
 As you can see in his smile, he is so happy to be up in Sacramento with Tim.
Trent taking a picture with the bear in front of the Governor's office.
 Portraits of Ronald Regan and Jerry Brown...very different.
Best buddies 
After the Capital they went to tour Sutter's Fort.
"Sutter's Fort was built in 1839 and originally called "New Helvetia" (New Switzerland) by its builder, John Sutter. The fort was a 19th-century agricultural and trade colony in the Mexican Alta CaliforniaProvince. The fort was the first non-Indigenous community in the California Central Valley. The fort is famous for its association with the Donner Party, the California Gold Rush and the formation of Sacramento. After gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill (also owned by Sutter) in Coloma, the fort was abandoned. The adobe structure has been restored to its original condition and is now administered by California Department of Parks and Recreation, although threatened with closure. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961." (all per wikipedia)
They toured a schoolhouse.
The Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum was dedicated on Admission Day, September, 1977. The design and contents closely match those of the one-room Canon School, built in 1884 to serve students in the Northern California community of Brooks in the Capay Valley (located in Yolo County).
While the class was inside the schoolhouse, the parents were free to roam...Tim and another parent roamed into a bar for a much needed beer.
Next up was the California State Railroad Museum.
First opened to the public in 1976, the California State Railroad Museum complex is one of Sacramento's largest and most popular visitor destinations. Throughout the main Railroad History Museum building, 21 meticulously restored locomotives and cars and numerous exhibits illustrate how railroads have shaped people's lives, the economy, and the unique culture of California and the West. Included are a Pullman-style sleeping car, a dining car filled with railroad china, and a Railway Post Office that visitors can actually step aboard.
 My favorite of the pictures is all the selfies that Trent took.
After a long day the group ended it with dinner at Round Table Pizza in Old Town Sacramento. After getting to the hotel the kids got to swim a bit before calling it a day.
 Love this picture of Tim and Trent.

In Old Town Trent tried on a gas mask...thankfully it didn't come home with him.
 Up bright and early the next day. They had a full day ahead of them.
Getting their video game playing in before they get on the bus.

Visiting Sutter's Mill

Trent took this great picture of the lake. He is a pretty good photographer. He took most of these pictures and I love to see the trip through his eyes.

 A fun activity of making necklaces.
 Fight on!
 Trent thought the trees were pretty...
 Inside the museum at the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
They hiked to the spot where they would have lunch and pan for gold.
Yes, he took a picture of his bag of chips, they must have been really good.
He loves his Daddy!
More pretty trees.
A pizza oven?!
 Panning for gold!
 Check out the gold in the pan.
 John Marshall...the guy that found the gold per Tim and Trent
 The view from the monument.
 After Sutter's Mill and panning for gold the next stop was the Olde Coloma Theatre. The play was a Gold Discovery Melodrama that would include the parents and students.
 Trent, was part of the play.  The MC asked who was the craziest kid in the class and everyone said Trent!
The craziest kid in the class had to put on a hula skirt. He was so embarrassed.
The crowd was going wild for Trent.
Trent kept it together on stage, but once off stage he had to take a moment to compose himself...he was really embarrassed, but Tim explained to him that everyone was cheering for him...he needed to own it. He was a good sport that's for sure.
 Trent and Matthew
 King of the selfies!
Isaac taking a snooze. 
Their chariot for two days. 
Here a selfie, there a selfie, everywhere a selfie... 
 They ended the trip with dinner at Home Town Buffet, it doesn't get much better than that or wait it might with a multi flavored slushy.  Lots of sugar before the flight. 
A big thanks to Tim for going on this trip with Trent. Great memories were made and they will talk about this trip for many years to come. Tim, I know you had a lot on your plate at work, but you made it happen and Trent had a great time with you, he was so happy to have you with him. You rock!