Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Terra, Kidspace, an iPad and some Swimming

Terra and I are still going to Kidspace a few days a week while Trent swims. Each week you can see how much she is growing in her expressions, her likes/dislikes, her coordination and her understanding. She is becoming quite the climber and is so strong. She follows simple instructions when she wants to and definitely understands the word no.
 Exploring at Kidspace. She loves carrying the ice cream cone around.
She is obsessed with Trent's iPad, just like Trent. I put on Jake and the Neverland Pirates and she watched a bit of it. She really just wanted to tap the screen like Trent does.
And now comes the time of year when it's warm enough to enjoy some spa time on Sunday. Tim and I are a bit nervous about Terra and her resistance to splashing around in the water. The first few minutes were fine...
 Having fun...
 Always having fun.
 And then the crying started and continued for awhile. The pacifier helped a bit.
 She finally started to enjoy herself a bit.
The crying began again soon after this picture and she was done. 
Swim lessons should be so much fun.

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