Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Gold Rush Day!

Trent had been looking forward to Gold Rush Day for awhile. In 4th grade they study about the Gold Rush and California history. Trent has really loved learning about the Gold Rush. So, when the day finally arrived Trent could not get to school fast enough. The 4th grade classes spent the day playing games, learning about gold mining from a gold miner, eating food that the gold miners would have eaten and just having a good ole' time.
 Lookin' good!
 I think this is his gold miner look...
 Trent showing off his Wanted poster...Wanted the Lone Cactus.
Trent and Phillip.  
These two and their friends Jonah and Colin were in charge on the Jail. Trent was so excited about being the sheriff.
They even got to have guns!! Not sure why Trent isn't showing off his gun and why he has that look on his face.  Even with the serious look on his face I am pretty sure he was having a good time.

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