Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trent, Beauty and the Beast, a Swim Meet and some Race Cars

Trent and John had a great night seeing the presentation of Beauty and the Beast by the Temple City High School Theater Group. 
 All smiles waiting for the show to start.
Another fun intrasquad meet for Trent. This one was a bit different though it was the Red Team vs. the Black Team. Trent was on the Red Team, which he was happy about since it's his favorite color. We were up early and Tim and Trent got to the pool by 6:30 a.m. I think when the deck lights are on it's way too early to be at the pool.
 Warm-ups.  A very full pool.
 Trent and his friends cheering for their team.
 Terra enjoying herself.
 The Black Team won, but everyone had a good time afterwards eating hamburgers and cake.
This was the first long course meet of the season and Trent dropped a good chunk of time off his events. Go Trent!
From the swim meet to the race track. Tim, Trent, Todd and Jake headed out to California Speedway to see the Nationwide race. This was Trent's first time back to the race track since he was about 5 months old. 
 Jake sporting his #16 the Biff hat.
 Watching the race.
 These 4 had a great time!
Go Danica!
 Tailgatin' after the race.

Terra, Kidspace, an iPad and some Swimming

Terra and I are still going to Kidspace a few days a week while Trent swims. Each week you can see how much she is growing in her expressions, her likes/dislikes, her coordination and her understanding. She is becoming quite the climber and is so strong. She follows simple instructions when she wants to and definitely understands the word no.
 Exploring at Kidspace. She loves carrying the ice cream cone around.
She is obsessed with Trent's iPad, just like Trent. I put on Jake and the Neverland Pirates and she watched a bit of it. She really just wanted to tap the screen like Trent does.
And now comes the time of year when it's warm enough to enjoy some spa time on Sunday. Tim and I are a bit nervous about Terra and her resistance to splashing around in the water. The first few minutes were fine...
 Having fun...
 Always having fun.
 And then the crying started and continued for awhile. The pacifier helped a bit.
 She finally started to enjoy herself a bit.
The crying began again soon after this picture and she was done. 
Swim lessons should be so much fun.

Gold Rush Day!

Trent had been looking forward to Gold Rush Day for awhile. In 4th grade they study about the Gold Rush and California history. Trent has really loved learning about the Gold Rush. So, when the day finally arrived Trent could not get to school fast enough. The 4th grade classes spent the day playing games, learning about gold mining from a gold miner, eating food that the gold miners would have eaten and just having a good ole' time.
 Lookin' good!
 I think this is his gold miner look...
 Trent showing off his Wanted poster...Wanted the Lone Cactus.
Trent and Phillip.  
These two and their friends Jonah and Colin were in charge on the Jail. Trent was so excited about being the sheriff.
They even got to have guns!! Not sure why Trent isn't showing off his gun and why he has that look on his face.  Even with the serious look on his face I am pretty sure he was having a good time.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Go Blue!

Tim and Trent joined John and Cindy for the weekend in Glendale, Arizona to see a Dodger spring training game. They flew out on Saturday morning to Arizona, played in the pool in the afternoon and then saw the Dodgers play the Mariners in the evening.
 Having lunch poolside.
 Playing in the pool complete with a fun water slide.
Cindy had fun on the water slide too.
They had a great time at the game. Everyone was a little tired by the time they got to the game, but they still had lots of fun.
 Not a bad view from their seats.
 Take me out to the ball game...
 They were faking it for the picture, but I was told they were very tired.
They headed home Sunday afternoon. Trent enjoying some ice cream before they board the plane.
They had a great weekend and I am told they want to make it an annual trip. Terra and I will be along for the ride next year.

Rain, Thunder and Lightning

A few weekends ago Southern California finally got some much needed rain. It rained for three days, which was great. What wasn't so great was Trent had a big swim meet over the weekend. The rain began to pour at practice on Friday. Terra and I stayed in the car while Trent swam. There was no way I was going to venture out in the rain with Terra, so she happily played in the car. 
 Our view for an hour.
 Playing with the shopping bags.
Wondering why she can't get out of the car.
Saturday morning was a early one. Trent had to be at the pool by 6:45 and guess what it was raining. 
I am pretty sure Trent didn't even remember eating breakfast it was so early.
Terra and I stayed home in the morning and headed to the pool after her nap. A light rain was coming down when we got to the pool and in a matter of minutes it was a down pour. I had Terra in the ergo, so she was snuggled up against me. We saw Trent swim his 50 free, which he did good in. He didn't drop time, but he looked good. Terra and I headed home after about two hours and we were glad to go home. It was a madhouse at the pool. It was the Pacific Committee Championships where about 1,200 swimmers were competing. It was the last big meet of the short course season.
Trent hanging out with his friends.
Down pour.
Not long after Terra and I got home did the thunder and lightning start. The emergency procedure at the pool was to send everyone to their car for 30 minutes. The 30 minutes was just about up when another round of thunder and lightning started. Another 30 minutes in the car...what a long day.
Goofing around in the car.
Trent was just about to swim his last event when the lightning started. He finally got to swim and dropped time.
It definitely wasn't the best swimming conditions, but the kids swam hard and did their best. This was Trent's first meet where other teams were competing. Up until this point his only meets have been intrasquad. Trent found out just how long swim meets take when competing against other teams. Swim meets are an all day affair. I think Trent doesn't mind an all day meet because it means he gets to play with his friends. We look forward to many more swim meets, just hopefully not in the rain.