Saturday, October 5, 2013


Trent got braces on his top row of teeth on Wednesday morning. Tim took him to his 7:00 a.m. appointment, which was so early. The procedure only took about an hour and everything went well. Tim got a kick out of listening to Trent tell the dentist what to do and how to do things. Trent is quite the talker...I wonder where he gets it from.
 Look at those braces.
Trent came home before going to school, so I could see his braces. He looked so cute, but so grown up, which of course I am not ready for. He went to school and wasn't in too much pain. The next morning was a different story. He woke up crying because he was in so much pain. He was able to eat breakfast, then I gave him so motrin and sent him to school. I thought about keeping him home, but knew once he got to school he would be ok and he was. I picked him up and he was all smiles. I love his new smile!

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