Friday, October 11, 2013


On Saturday, I took Trent and his cousin Jake bowling. We started the adventure with lunch at Islands and then headed across the way to bowl a few games. Terra and I enjoyed watching Trent and Jake bowl. They are very entertaining, so even though Terra was strapped into her stroller, she was content watching the show in front of her. 
The quality of the pictures isn't great because it was so dark in the bowling alley, but you will get the idea of how nutty these two are.
 Trent telling Jake his business...
 Love these two!
 Jake watching the ball knock down some pins.
 Jake doing the moon I said nutty.
 Trent showing off his moves.
After bowling we came home and the boys continued their lego battle. I wish I would have taken a picture of what the playroom looked like during their battle. There were so many legos on the floor, on shelves and just all over the place.

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