Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Easter seemed to come a few weeks early this year. The kids were excited to celebrate Easter and Terra was really excited about the Easter bunny. Terra is at such a fun age and is beginning to understand holidays. And Trent has always loved the holidays and he always so excited to celebrate.
The Easter bunny hid the kids gifts around the front yard.
Trent helped Terra find her presents, now it was his turn to find his...
Still searching...
In the trees?! Silly Easter bunny.
This boy loves himself a robe and has no shame in wearing it outside.
Not the best Easter picture...Terra and her nutty expression and me with a broken ankle.
I love that he is always there to help his little sister out...I hope he always is.
One cute picture and then this one.
Cuties dressed in their Easter best.
After church, we headed to John and Cindy's to continue the Easter celebration. 
The tradition continues with the Easter piƱata.
Terra got in a few good hits.
Zinnia's turn.
Trent's up!
One hit and he broke open the butterfly.
Off to get as many Fiber One bars as he can.

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