Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Easter seemed to come a few weeks early this year. The kids were excited to celebrate Easter and Terra was really excited about the Easter bunny. Terra is at such a fun age and is beginning to understand holidays. And Trent has always loved the holidays and he always so excited to celebrate.
The Easter bunny hid the kids gifts around the front yard.
Trent helped Terra find her presents, now it was his turn to find his...
Still searching...
In the trees?! Silly Easter bunny.
This boy loves himself a robe and has no shame in wearing it outside.
Not the best Easter picture...Terra and her nutty expression and me with a broken ankle.
I love that he is always there to help his little sister out...I hope he always is.
One cute picture and then this one.
Cuties dressed in their Easter best.
After church, we headed to John and Cindy's to continue the Easter celebration. 
The tradition continues with the Easter piƱata.
Terra got in a few good hits.
Zinnia's turn.
Trent's up!
One hit and he broke open the butterfly.
Off to get as many Fiber One bars as he can.

Tap Dancing

Terra has been tap dancing since September and she loves it. Zinnia joined the class a few months ago and the two of them just love dancing together.
 Practicing for their upcoming recital.
 Love the facial expressions!
The big night!! We were so excited to see Terra's tap dancing.
Terra being Terra...on the way to the recital (about a 5 minute drive) Terra picked at her tights and made a huge hole in them. I should have thought to bring a back up pair, but Tim had the great idea to just turn them around and the hole was at the back...that girl!
 Grand Entrance!
 The cutest bubble bees.
 You've Got a Friend in Me.
 My cute little bunny.
 It's a Small World.
Flowers for the girls.
Taking a bow.
The recital was priceless. 
Terra and Zinnia did a great job and we are so proud of them.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A little bit of this and a Little bit of that...

I pulled into Todd and Ashley's driveway one day and these beautiful poinsettias were such a pretty sight. My Mom loved poinsettias and she planted these at least 20 years ago. I'm sure my Mom was looking down from heaven loving this sight...and it put a smile on my face to see something my Mom loved so.
 Tim cut this beauty from our vast array of roses...our first rose from our new house. So pretty!
We are so grateful to the previous owners for all these vibrant roses.
Tim put up this swing a few weeks ago and the kids love it. It's the perfect addition to the front yard.
 Silly girl!
She loves the camera lately and asked that I take a picture of her...of course I will!
 Terra loves to sing Let it Go and this is her angry version of the song...so funny!
 This little girl of ours gives us a run for our money, but her smile and the sparkle in her eyes melts my heart.