Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fun times

Terra loves nothing more than to wear a dress and if it's an Elsa dress even better.
With a push of a button the dress lights up and plays Let it Go...she loves it!
Add the clip on braid and she calls herself Elsa Terra.
She is doing some magic.
A cute bob haircut.
Terra's teacher Alma gave her this cute black leotard that was her daughter's. Terra loves it.
Playing ball
We went to Temple City's annual Camellia Festival. I didn't have high hopes that Terra would like to go on the rides with someone or alone. Once again she proved us wrong. She loved the rides and had no problem going alone. She loves her freedom.
All smiles and the faster the better.

These two had a great time too.
Having no fun at all...
Terra not waiting for the attendant to buckle her, she wanted to do it all herself.
Faster, faster...
And then there was this crazy ride. Jake wanted to get his "Man Card" and Ashley was the lucky one to go with him.
These two have so much fun together.
They were big winners at the carnival games and won these big hammers.
Good times!

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