Thursday, July 2, 2015

Terra's First Haircut

Terra may have short hair, but it was time for her to get a trim. Her bangs were constantly in her face and a bit of a mullet for forming in the back. Tim really wanted to take her to Sam's for her first haircut. Tim has been going to Sam's since he was little and the tradition started with his Grandpa...even my Dad goes to Sam's. So, it was perfect for Terra to get her first haircut there. 
Tim and I weren't sure how Terra was going to react to getting her haircut. We had Trent get his haircut first to show her that it's ok and you get a lollipop afterwards.  Well, it took a little longer than Tim and I had anticipated, so Terra started with the lollipop to keep her happy. She was a bit reluctant at first to let John cut her hair, but she eventually warmed up and got the cutest cut.
 Before the haircut started.
As long as she had her lollipop she was fine.

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