Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Endeavour

While Tim, Eric, Tim's Dad and others cycled 100 miles from Irvine to San Diego, Cindy and I took the kids to the California Science Center. I think the last time I was there I was in elementary school, so it's been a while. Trent had a field trip to the science center in 3rd grade and got to see the Endeavour, so he wasn't as excited as I was to see it. There was also a Pompeii exhibit going on and we were going to see that too.
Pulling on the rope to see if they could lift the Toyota Tundra that towed the Endeavour to the Science Center.
The city of Pompeii was an ancient Roman town near modern Naples. Pompeii, along with many villas in the surrounding area were destroyed and buried under 13-20 ft of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD...per Trent...seriously he knew quite a bit about Pompeii, but what he didn't know was that the eruption happened on August 24th, his birthday. He was kind of freaked out about that fact.
 Terra not too sure what is going on.
 Inside the Science Center
 Karina and Trent checking out the control center.
The Endeavour is a retired orbiter from NASA's Space Shuttle program and the fifth and final operational shuttle built. It embarked on its first mission, in May 1992 and its 25th and final mission, in May 2011. The last mission of the Endeavour was expected to be the final mission of the Space Shuttle program, but with the authorization of Atlantis, Atlantis became the last shuttle to fly. Did you know that the Endeavour was named through a national competition involving students in elementary cool...thanks Wiki.
 Trying to get a picture of the kids with the space shuttle was near impossible.
 Like Father, like son...reading all the displays.
I was in awe of the Endeavour, it was just spectacular. I loved that they are displaying it "as is" and didn't try to shine it up. So awesome!
The Pompeii exhibit was ok, it was a bit too adult for the kids and we kind of rushed through it.  All in all it was a good day at the Science Center. We can't wait to take Tim to see the Endeavor.

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