Monday, February 17, 2014

Exploring and Discovery New Things

Terra is loving being able to walk around...FREEDOM! She loves walking around the neighborhood. I always bring her car and she starts out riding in it, but within minutes she is walking beside it or pushing it. I love that I captured this moment when she discovered a dandelion. She loves touching them.
 I am going to get you!
 Touching a dandelion for the first time...priceless.
And then like most things it goes into her mouth. I hope the stage of everything going into Terra's mouth ends soon, very soon.
 While Trent is swimming we went to play at the Pirate Park behind the swim complex.
 She is my cute little dinosaur roaming (and sometimes roaring) around. Thank you Jen for this adorable one of a kind sweatshirt. 
I am outta here!
 If we don't go to the Pirate Park, we go to Kidspace. So much fun!
And then there are these rare times when she falls asleep on the way to swim practice and I get to relax in the car for just a little bit.

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