Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My Mom would have turned 60 years old on Friday, March 15th. Trent had the day off from school on Friday, so we made banana bread, which is something my Mom made all the time and Trent loved. After my Mom passed away Trent really wanted to make banana bread, but I just wasn't ready to make it...it was too soon. He said that Grandma's banana bread was so good because she put extra love in it...very true. I was nervous about making the banana bread. I don't bake, so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Trent helped me make it from scratch and it turned out pretty good. Tim said, he was surprised at how good it was (I was too.) Trent was so happy that we made it and is already asking when we can make more.
We went out to dinner that evening with my brother and his family. My Dad wasn't able to make it down from Tehachapi because my Grandpa was sick. We had a nice dinner and then came back to our house for some pralines and cream ice cream cake (my Mom's favorite ice cream.)  Trent and Jake blew out the candles for Grandma.
To say I miss my Mom would be an understatement that's for sure. Words can not express how much I miss her and wish she could have celebrated her 60th birthday with us.

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