Thursday, January 31, 2013

Terra's Baptism

On Sunday, Terra was baptized by our long time family friend Priest Gregg Ellers. Gregg is retiring from his ministry in April, so baptizing Terra will probably be his last one and it was a great baptism to go out on. He did a wonderful job. Tim has known Gregg for most of his life and I came to know Gregg when he would take us out to dinner when we lived in Connecticut and he was traveling to the east coast.  I don't think we ever had dinner with Gregg in Connecticut. It seemed to be when we were traveling around the east coast. We had dinner with Gregg in Boston at our favorite Italian restaurant Milano's and in Maine. Gregg has also been one of Tim's cycling partners on early morning Saturday rides and quite a few century rides.
Terra looked so pretty in her long white gown and she was such a good girl during the baptism...she slept the whole time and didn't make a peep.
All dressed up and ready to go to church.
Love her smile!
 Trent watching Terra be baptized.
After church we had lunch at Tim's parents house to celebrate Terra's baptism.

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