Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apple Picking

On Saturday, my Dad took Trent and I apple picking at a local orchard in Tehachapi.  We had never been apple picking, so this was going to be a new adventure for us.  Trent loves apples, so he was very excited. My Dad wanted Fuji apples and this was the only orchard in town that was growing them, unfortunately we found out when we got there that the Fujis wouldn't be ready for two weeks.  The sweetest apples that they had ready were the Golden Delicious, so we set off to pick those.
 Trent picking his first apple.
My Dad kept telling Trent to really reach in the tree to get the apples, this was about as far as Trent would reach. He didn't want to get bit by something...nutty!
 Grandpa and Trent
 Showing off a big apple.
Apple Orchard.
We came home with a 10 lb bag of yummy apples.

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