Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On Saturday, we went to our church's annual egg hunt. This year the attendance was a bit disappointing and only boys showed up to hunt for eggs.  Even with the small attendance the kids still had fun getting as many eggs as they could. Before the egg hunt the kids played some games.
Meredith and Trent playing Jenga.
 Trent showing off his nicely colored egg.
The boys are ready to hunt eggs.
 Trent loading up his bag.
 Dale and Trent probably comparing who had the most eggs.
 Trent's bag is pretty full it broke.
On Easter, we went to church and then headed up to Tehachapi to spend the day with my Grandpa, parents, Todd, Ashley and Jake.
Dressed to impress.
The weather was beautiful in Tehachapi. It was a bit chilly in the shade, but warm in the sun. Trent and Jake had a great time hunting for eggs, which had quarters in them. Trent came home with $11.00, not bad.
It is usually windy in Tehachapi, so we brought up Trent's kite to fly. The boys had so much fun seeing how high it could go.
 Up, Up and Away.
Trent and Jake just watching the kite soar in the sky. 

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