How quickly this year has gone by and here we are and it's already Halloween. I think it was back in August when we got in the mail the Costume Express catalog. Trent and I came to the front door and there it was on our front door step. Trent saw it and quickly picked it. It was only August and here we were already faced with deciding on what Trent would be for Halloween...not much different from last year. Yes, Trent has taken after me and my Type A personality. Trent poured over the catalog for a few weeks and finally decided after A LOT of back and forth and just not being able to pull the trigger on being Darth Vader. He really wants to be Darth Vader, but just can't do it for some reason. Trent decided on Captain Rex, a Clone Trooper from Star Wars. Trent rationalized his decision by saying that he already had Captain Rex's helmet and blaster gun, so it was a done deal. I ordered it and it has been in the closet for at least a month and a half just waiting for Halloween.
This year at Trent's school they aren't allowed to wear costumes and I thought Trent would be a little upset about it, but it really hasn't bothered him. They have told the kids they can't wear their costumes to school and Trent is fine with that. I was a bit sad on Friday remembering all the fun years he had dressing up and showing off his costume in the costume parade. There was a year, when he wasn't thrilled about parading around in his costume, but the other years were fun. Here are Trent's past Halloween costumes. He is such a cutie!
Trent was 2 months old at his first Halloween.
1year old - Race Car Driver.
2 years old - Buzz Lightyear. Trent wore this costume to school because
his Blue's Clue costume would be too hot to wear at school.
Blue's Clue ready to go trick or treating.