Monday, October 20, 2014

Pumpkins, Pumpkins and Pumpkins

The last time we went to the Cal Poly Pomona Pumpkin Patch was at least 5 years ago and boy have things changed since then. We went this past Saturday and the event has grown so much. The amount of people and vendors that were there was crazy. We parked what seemed like ten miles away, it was probably only one...Trent was so excited to go because I don't think he remembers much of going years ago. I love that he still gets excited about going to a pumpkin patch at 10 years old.
 All set to pick some pumpkins.
 My cuties!
 Zinnia and Terra enjoyed being pulled around in the wagon.
 Terra loved picking up the pumpkins and carrying them around.
 So cute!
They seemed very interested in the stem...
 My little pumpkin.
 So many pumpkins to choose from.
 Trent found the green pumpkin he was looking for.
 She likes her hands in her pocket.
 Following her big brother.
 Trying her hand at a game.
 We found a few pumpkins.
 Terra fell asleep within minutes of leaving the pumpkin patch.
We had a full day on Saturday. First the pumpkin patch, then family pictures with Carie (those will be posted later) and then Todd and Ashley had a Halloween party. 
Terra loved her Minnie costume.
 Cheese!!! One nutty Minnie Mouse.
 She did much better than I thought she would with the ears. 
She kept them on for quite awhile.
 Dancing a bit.
 Enter the Ninja!!! In Trent's words...the ninja costume is so me...ok Trent!
 Minnie was able to stealthily get the dagger away from the ninja.
 Oh those moves are so good.
It was a busy, but fun filled Saturday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Date with Daddy

A few weeks ago, Tim and Terra went out for dinner...for some yummy sushi. Tim is trying very hard to get Terra to be adventurous eater and so far she likes to try new food (unlike her brother).  She liked the tempura chicken, but didn't really like the California rolls, not a big fan of avocado (we have to change that).
Silly girl.
And then there is this...I love you!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Princess in Training

A friend of mine passed down to Terra her daughter's Snow White shoes (along with a few princess gowns that are still a bit big).  I wasn't sure the shoes would even fit Terra, but oh they fit her just fine and she loves. She wore them so much that she got blisters and I have since put them away to let her feet heal.
Walking around on the hardwood floors...they are pretty loud, but she doesn't mind.
Playing outside...onesie + cute!
She loves her Doc McStuffins headband and needed to wear it to drop off Trent at school. She has a cute little smile behind her pacifier (the pacifier will soon be gone...I hope.)
 Trent took this one on his iPad...he loves his sister.
 She loves her princess heels, but also loves to play with cars...I love her!

Only in California in October

On Sunday, October 5th the temperature was almost 100 degrees and we took the pontoon out for one last ride of the "summer" season. Crazy, that in October it is still hot enough to go out boating all day. It was definitely a hot day and the lake felt oh so good.
 Terra helping Uncle Todd navigate the lake.
 Playing along the shore.
 Terra wanted to be right in the mix with the older kids.
 Jake and Trent...not sure why they needed their life vests on while on dry land.
 Terra and Tim chillin'
 This is where Terra took an almost 2 hour was much needed.
 She loved these!
A perfect way to end summer.