Thursday, February 21, 2013

Terra is 3 months old!

Terra is no longer a newborn, she is 3 months old today. She is just the cutest (as Trent would say). Terra is smiling, cooing and gives a giggle now and then. When she smiles her eyes smile too. 
About a week ago while playing on the bed Terra decided to roll over to her back. She seemed pretty happy with herself.
Tummy time!
Terra looking cute in her tutu.
 All smiles on Valentine's Day.
 Just chillin'
 All bundled up to hang out in the backyard with some friends...she really isn't too sure about this outfit.
 Terra is starting to get the hang of the activity set.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Terra and her Toys!

Terra is almost three months old, I can't believe it. She is starting to smile more and becoming very vocal. She is talking back to me already.
Love her smile!
Terra trying out her new seat.
A little tummy time.
Not too sure about this, but I think once she gets more steady with her head she will love it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Like Father, Like Son

Tim and Trent went on a 7 1/2 mile bike ride before the Super Bowl started on Sunday.  Trent was all excited for the bike ride because he got to wear his new PAA jersey. Tim was thrilled too because Trent is showing some interest in cycling competitively (It wouldn't be for a few more years, so I have time to come around on the idea.) 
 Off on an adventure.
 Trent got a little hot, so he unzipped his jersey...nut ball!